Saturday 10 June 2017

تحذير: كشف المالكين الحقيقيين من

تحذير: كشف المالكين الحقيقيين من

واستنادا إلى أبحاث واسعة النطاق أجريناها من خلال محققين خاصين في الإمارات وماليزيا، وجدنا أن المالكين الحقيقيين ل هم ثلاثة فنزويليين إيرانيين ومواطن ماليزي واحد.

1- سورينا يوشي زاد (فنزويلي-إيراني): يعيش حاليا في ماليزيا - مطلوب في الإمارات العربية المتحدة، إيران

2- جعفر جعفري (فنزويلي-إيراني): يعيش حاليا في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية - مطلوب في الإمارات العربية المتحدة، إيران

3- محمد نظري (شهباز): (فنزويلي-إيراني): يسافر حاليا بين الإمارات وماليزيا - لديها بالفعل قضية قضائية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

4- كولين هو خاي شون (ماليزي): يسافر حاليا بين ماليزيا والصين والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

وقد خدع هؤلاء الناس العديد من المستثمرين في الشرق الأوسط وشرق آسيا من خلال الترويج لموقع على شبكة الانترنت يسمى وبيع PPS (الأسهم المفضلة المشاركة) من يونيفاندز، دون أي إذن أو ترخيص من أي سلطة قانونية ومالية. ولم تكن أبدا كيانا خاضعا للتنظيم لكي تتمكن من بيع أسهمها. بدأوا هذه الفضيحة في سبتمبر 2015 بعد أن أغلقت الفضيحة السابقة مع أكثر من 70 مليون دولار نقدا من العديد من المستثمرين.

وتظهر تحقيقاتنا أنها بدأت مع عشاء فخم في جميع أنحاء آسيا والشرق الأوسط، وكان نفس يظهر مع الناس وهمية (الفاعلين) في أوروبا لخداع الناس أن هي العلامة التجارية الشهيرة في جميع أنحاء المكان.

والطريقة التي يحاولون بها السيطرة على الأشخاص الذين لا يستطيعون تقديم المزيد من القضايا القانونية لهم هي تهديد الناس بحياتهم وتعليق حساباتهم أو إغلاق حساباتهم (حسابات لا قيمة لها).

في 1 أبريل 2017 بعد أن أغلقت الفضيحة السابقة ( بدأوا عملية احتيال جديدة تسمى "" .... للأسف عدد قليل من الناس الذين يعتقدون زورا في هؤلاء الناس خاطئة بدأت للانضمام إليهم، ولكن فإن معظم الناس الذين أصيبوا بأذى من قبلهم تجنبوا الانضمام. مرة أخرى أنها بدأت تهددهم بدلا من إعادتهم أموالهم للحيل السابقة أو حتى اعتذار بسيط! يسمون أنفسهم كريتور آرمي! وتهديد الناس بأي شكل من الأشكال للحفاظ على الهدوء.

كل هؤلاء الناس يتم إبلاغ الإنتربول بهم لمزيد من التحقيقات ويوصى بشدة كل من فقدوا أموالهم وثروة حياتهم بالإبلاغ عن أسماء الأربعة المذكورة أعلاه إلى الشرطة والادعاء العام في بلدانهم. هؤلاء الناس لا تتوقف أبدا عن الاحتيال وإيجاد ضحايا آخرين وضعها في الجبهة والاختباء في الجزء الخلفي مع الملايين من الدولارات سرقت من الأبرياء.

في سبتمبر 2015 كنا قد نشرت بلوق قال الناس عنهم: و احتيال التنبيه من قبل الحكومة الماليزية

نود أن نعلم أن أدروز ميديا ​​(عبر و يونيفاندز (عبر ليست مرخصة من قبل هيئة الأوراق المالية ماليزيا ("SC") للقيام بأنشطة منظمة بموجب قانون سوق رأس المال والخدمات 2007 ( "CMSA"). ويشمل ذلك أي تعامل في الأوراق المالية أو المشتقات المالية، وإدارة الصناديق، وتقديم المشورة بشأن تمويل الشركات، والتخطيط المالي لمشورة الاستثمار، والتعامل في مخططات التقاعد الخاصة. ويمكن الاطلاع على قائمة الأنشطة المنظمة هذه في الجدول 2 من نظام كمسا عن طريق النقر على الرابط: قوات الدفاع الشعبي

إذا كان لديك أي معلومات أو أدلة على أن الكيانات المذكورة تشارك في أي من الأنشطة المنظمة المذكورة أعلاه داخل ماليزيا دون الحصول على إذن مناسب من اللجنة الدائمة، فإننا نقدر حقا تعاونكم الكريمة لتقديم تلك المعلومات إلى لجنة الأوراق المالية، لتقييم الإجراءات المناسبة التي يتعين اتخاذها. يمكن تقديم المعلومات و / أو الوثائق إلينا عبر العنوان التالي:

Securities Commission Malaysia
Investor Affairs & Complaints
3 Persiaran Bukit Kiara
Bukit Kiara
50490 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 603 6204 8999
Fax: 603 6204 8991 or

إذا احتجت إلى مزيد من التوضيح من اللجنة العليا، يمكنك الاتصال بنا على


Thanks and regards,
Samsunahar Adnan
Investor Affairs & Complaints
Securities Commission Malaysia #unifunds #adrows #worldwideenergy #creatoracademy #creatorarmy #unifundsscam 

WARNING: Real Owners of Revealed ...

WARNING: Real Owners of Revealed

Based on extensive researches that we did through private investigators in UAE and Malaysia, we have found that the real owners of , are three Venezuelan-Iranian and one Malaysian nationals.

1- Sourena Youshizade (Venezuelan-Iranian) : Currently living in Malaysia - Wanted in UAE, Iran

2- Jafar Jafari (Venezuelan-Iranian) : Currently living in USA - Wanted in UAE, Iran

3- Mohammad Nazari (Shahbaz) : (Venezuelan-Iranian) : Currently traveling between UAE and Malaysia - Already have a court case in progress in UAE.

4- Colin Hoo Khai Choon (Malaysian) : Currently traveling between Malaysia, China, USA

These people scammed many investors in Middle East and East Asia by promoting a website called and selling PPS (Participating Preferred Shares) of Unifunds, without any permission or license from any legal and financial authority. They have never been a regulated entity to be able to sell their shares. They started this scam on September 2015 after they shutdown their previous scam with more than 70 Million Dollars cash from many investors.

Our investigations show that they started with lavish gala dinners all around Asia and Middle East and had the same shows with fake people (actors) in Europe to fool people that is a famous brand all over the place.

The way they are trying to control people not to make more legal cases for them is to threaten people for their lives and suspension or closure of their accounts (accounts which has no value).

On 1st April 2017 after they shutdown the previous scam ( they started a new scam called "" .... unfortunately few people who falsely believe in these wrong people started to join them, but most of the people who got hurt badly by them avoided to join. Again they have started to threaten them instead of giving them back their money for the previous scams or even a simple apologize! They call themselves CREATOR ARMY! and threaten people in any way to keep them quiet.

All these people are reported to Interpol for further investigations and anyone who lost their money and life fortune are highly recommended to report those above mentioned FOUR names to the police and public prosecutions in their countries. These people never stop scamming and by finding other victims put them in front and hide in the back with Millions of Dollars robbed from innocent people.

In September 2015 we had published the blog told people about them: and SCAM ALERT by Malaysian Government

We would like to inform that Adrows Media (via and Unifunds (via are not licensed by Securities Commission Malaysia ("SC") to conduct regulated activities under the Capital Market and Services Act 2007 ("CMSA"). This would include any dealing in securities or derivatives, fund management, advising on corporate finance, investment advice financial planning and dealing in private retirement schemes. Such list of regulated activities can be found in Schedule 2 of the CMSA by clicking on the link:

If you have any  information or evidence that the said entities are involved in any of the above-mentioned regulated activities within Malaysia without proper authorisation by the SC, we would really appreciate your kind cooperation to furnish those information to the SC, for our review and to assess on the appropriate actions to be taken. The information and/or documents can be provided to us via the following address:

Securities Commission Malaysia
Investor Affairs & Complaints
3 Persiaran Bukit Kiara
Bukit Kiara
50490 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 603 6204 8999
Fax: 603 6204 8991 or

Should you need further clarification from the SC, you may contact us at +603-6204-8999.

Thanks and regards,
Samsunahar Adnan
Investor Affairs & Complaints
Securities Commission Malaysia #unifunds #adrows #worldwideenergy #creatoracademy #creatorarmy #unifundsscam

Saturday 19 September 2015

WARNING : and SCAM ALERT by Malaysian Government

 WARNING : and SCAM ALERT by Malaysian Government

We would like to inform that Adrows Media (via and Unifunds (via are not licensed by Securities Commission Malaysia ("SC") to conduct regulated activities under the Capital Market and Services Act 2007 ("CMSA"). This would include any dealing in securities or derivatives, fund management, advising on corporate finance, investment advice financial planning and dealing in private retirement schemes. Such list of regulated activities can be found in Schedule 2 of the CMSA by clicking on the link:

If you have any  information or evidence that the said entities are involved in any of the above-mentioned regulated activities within Malaysia without proper authorisation by the SC, we would really appreciate your kind cooperation to furnish those information to the SC, for our review and to assess on the appropriate actions to be taken. The information and/or documents can be provided to us via the following address:

Securities Commission Malaysia
Investor Affairs & Complaints
3 Persiaran Bukit Kiara
Bukit Kiara
50490 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 603 6204 8999
Fax: 603 6204 8991 or

Should you need further clarification from the SC, you may contact us at +603-6204-8999.

Thanks and regards,
Samsunahar Adnan
Investor Affairs & Complaints
Securities Commission Malaysia

Share this post to friends and families not to be trapped like us in these dangerous scams. They already closed withdrawals, transfers and new registrations in and insist that you should listen to them to join !!!!

Just couple of blind minded people are following them in AKA Gala Dinners and Launch Parties.

Saturday 15 August 2015

Reporting SCAM to Governments

You can Report SCAM to Governments, already lots of complaints have been made in Dubai and Malaysia. The system owner is the great cheater Colin Hoo Khai Choon who was involved in all Asian scams since 10 years ago, the rest who are Malaysian, Indian, Iranian, Arab,... leaders are all victims like us. Act fast before the website shuts down and you have no proof to show to government, print all pages of your accounts NOW... Insider news say that the system is going to disappear soon after the Macau gala dinner.

Just report in Malaysia:

fax or sent to the address below:
Investor Affairs & Complaints Department
Securities Commission Malaysia
No 3 Persiaran Bukit Kiara
Bukit Kiara
50490 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603 6204 8999
Fax: 603 6204 8991

 and in Dubai Report the fraud and scam to:

Thursday 16 July 2015

New Scam Report to Public


Investors Alert SCAM & FRAUD

Real Investment on Advertising and CPA Industry or just Game of LOGOS and MONEY?!!

In our latest research we have found a new scam in the market working in East Asia and Middle East ( The lucrative website starts with a photo of luxury Cars, Watches, Hotel Casino, House, a Luxury Reward Program (This is the first sign of most new scams originate from East Asia, especially Indonesia and Malaysia). Then you can see lots of logos from famous brands in the market. Then they talk about high payouts. There is no real testimonials in the website. They claim to be one of the leading CPA system in the market while nobody knows them except the people who are getting high paid irrational commissions !

They claim to do investments in bulk purchases of Ads from Ad Networks and CPA Networks, but no Advertisement company knows them in the market !!! They offer investment packages to their investors (without having any Financial Licenses to collect money from people) and promise to have a wonderful ROI (Return of Investment), and they really have !!! In average they pay 10 to 12 percent per month to clients !!!! (Really) and they are still paying after a 2 year run since 2013. No company in the world can really pay such a Return On Investment in any legal business. Almost impossible. Even big names like Google, Facebook, Yahoo, IBM, GM,...

They have no transparency and no reporting system to the investors. And none of the companies Adrows claims to work with, know them. 

The system is getting investors mostly from Malaysia and Middle East (Dubai). By a quick search on youtube and facebook you can find many videos and photos of their local ceremonies (AKA Gala Dinners) and spend lots of money to keep innocent investors calm and quiet. In these ceremonies it is all about fun, some motivational speaking and a bit of serious business talks without giving any financial reports, legality matters and illegal funds transfers between member and investors.

When you login to the user account, unlike the face of the front pages which are mostly talking about Advertisement in a very non-professional way, it is all about Financials, Investments, Incentives, Rewards, Commissions,.... (with which Financial License !!! we do NOT know).

Be sure they push you not only to put your money there as a safe investment, but also for recruiting your family members, friends, coworkers,... so you and them will earn high commissions, which looks attractive in the first sight, but just imagine anything happens to this investment scam, who will be responsible for the money your referrals invested ? Definitely it is YOU... and no one else will be responsible or even answer you.

Their illegal activity is already reported to Malaysian Government SEC and Police of Dubai and Investment Authorities.

We advice investors who are presented for such scams to be more careful and ask guidance from a certified investment consultant.

As per our research, the system is created and operating by a Malaysian Citizen Mr.Colin Hoo Khai Choon (AKA Colins), who is a known face for previous scams and frauds such as Sunshine Empire, Empire Group, D10 (Degree 10), Maplex Alliance, London Capital,... partnered with James Phang, Jackie Hoo, Desmond T, Bryan Cook.

They are a known gang in the whole East Asia and that is why now they put their feet in Middle East and Central Asian countries.

More info will be available soon.

Do NOT waste the money you have in your hand.